Thursday, September 27, 2012

Suryakshetra 116 Water

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   #303, Vijetha Sanjeevani Apartments,    6-4-8, Musheerabad Main Road,   Opp Gandhi Hospital, SECUNDERABAD  500080  AP India  E mail    web                                                                Land Line 040 65581368  Mobile 9440422613                                                                                                                                          27th  September 2012
Suryakshetra – 116(Ancient Indian Analysis - Water)
What this little man speaks……………………………………………………………………………………………………..            
Quote: 1) The best thing one has to learn is to keep himself smiling, for the reason smiling is easier than explaining why we are sad.
2) Health is the greatest gift; contentment is the greatest wealth; and faithfulness is the best relationship.
Worldwide people talk of water – perhaps – one may distinguish water as “salt water”  and “drinkable” and I am not certain whether there was any research on water – JUST WATER – elsewhere outside India.  The great Indian sages possessed the capacity of analyzing any this and evolved theories in such a microscopic manner much and much beyond the intelligence of anyone outside India.
The Vedic order of life analyzed water in many ways, similarly it also analyzed the properties of the same as different from each one.  The first one is  Rain Water (1) before touching the ground and it is considered to be the purest of the pure; 2) the rain water fallen on a hill and climbs down to the land; 3) the third one being the water formulated as snow and accumulated on  hill and subsequently melted down to surface land (Ex Ganga River); 4) the rain water that has fallen on a surface land and distributed to a lake or a stream; 5) the water accumulated in a lake  with flowing water; 6) the water accumulated in a lake and remain stagnant; 7)  the water brought up from ground; 8) the water collected in a sump and pumped onto the overhead tank; 9) the water that is available in sacred lakes like Manasarovar etc which are divine in nature; 10) the water that is available in a well; 11) the water that flows continuously throughout the year; 12) the water that is born only on rock stones or amidst rock stones which do not dry even in summers; 13) the water that is purified with Vedic rituals; 14) the water which is available just before joining the sea (back waters); 15) the water in sea; 16) the water that comes on its own from ground level through different stones ( Ex Mahanandi in Nandyal of Kurnool Dist or Dakshina Mukha Nandi of Bangalore etc, 17) the water retained in a mud pot; 18) the water that is stored and used in different other vessels etc. 
The aforementioned is classified as 1) Akash Ganga, 2) Hima Ganga, 3) Pravaahika Ganga, 5) Patala Ganga, 6) Sthira Ganga in Vedaas. Each of them has different properties and each has its own usage, but by and large, we must salute our great sages of India for examining the water in different fashions instead of identifying the WATER AS JUST WATER ONLY.    
That is the reason why ANCIENT INDIAN TRADITIONS AND GREAT SAGES OF INDIA ARE very much advanced in spiritual as well in physics, chemistry – very much beyond the imagination of the scientists of modern world.
Quote: It is funny, how 1 truth; 1 song; 1 mistake; 1 lie; 1 word; 1 text; and 1 person – could change our mood in 1 second.
I will be back again soon……………………Hara  Hara Mahadeva
Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji

Suryakshetra 114 Nature Worship

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   #303, Vijetha Sanjeevani Apartments,    6-4-8, Musheerabad Main Road,   Opp Gandhi Hospital, SECUNDERABAD  500080  AP India  E mail    web                                                                Land Line 040 65581368  Mobile 9440422613                                                                                                                                          27th  September 2012
Suryakshetra – 114(Ancient Indians worshipped Nature) What this little man speaks……………………………………………………………………………………………………..            
Quote: 1) Every sun rise delivers opportunities while every sun set ask what we did with the opportunities
2) Meditations purifies mind; prayer purifies soul; charity purifies wealth; fasting purifies health; forgiveness purifies relationship.
Ancient Indians, Hinduism, spiritual sciences of Indian origin taught mankind the ways to worship nature.  Hindus worship plants, hills, animals, water, fire, and what not everything on this mother earth. Hinduism see God everywhere in all living and non-living beings.  Hinduism has got an in-built system of using the herbs to keep them healthy and fit for brain work as well physical load bearing capacities. It has got an implied philosophy in each and every aspect as such Indians do not prefer conquering or grabbing property or culture of other countries or other religions. They respect every culture and every religion and the best religious tolerance is only in Hindus and in Hinduism.  Absolutely no where else, no religious propaganda for Hinduism; no alluring methods for conversion into Hinduism; and similar such. Let us examine, keeping In view of Lord Ganesh Chaturdhi – 9th day – final day worship ( a few are observing 11 days)  and while wishing every one of you – fulfillment of your desires which you all deserve, I am presenting hereunder how the wonder herbs are taught to the younger generation through Lord worship.
There are 21 kinds of leafs which we use to worship Lord Ganesh.  As per Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of India, these herbs have great sanctity and perhaps these herbs are rarely seen outside India – the divine land of Gods. They have unimaginable medicinal properties which are of great use in day to day life.
In the order of series 1) Machipathri – Artemisia Vulgaris; 2) Brihati Patri – Solanum Xanthocarpum; 3) Bilva Patri –Aegle Marmelos; 4) Durva Patri – Cynodon Dactylon; 5) Dattura Patri – Datura Stramonium; 6) Badari Patri – Jujuba Tree; 7) Apamarga Patri – Achyranthus Aspera; 8)Tulasi Patri – Ocimum Sanctum; 9) Chuta Patri – Mango; 10) Karaveera Patri – Narium Odorum; 11) Vishnukrant Patri – Clitoria Ternatia; 12) Dadimi Patri – PunicaGranatum; 13) Devdar Patri – Teak like; 14) Maruvaka Patri – Sweet Marjoram; 15) Sindhuvara Patri – Vitex Negundo; 16) Jaji Patri – Myristica Fragrans; 17) Gandaki Patri – Anona Squamosa; 18) Sami Patri – Acacia Suma; 19) Aswatha Patri – Ficus Religiosa; 20) Arjuna Patri – Terminalia Arjuna; 21) Arc Patri – Calotropis Procera.  I can give the medicinal properties of each herb, if needed.      In the earlier days, before we drove our children to just job oriented slavery education, we were educating our children making them identify each of the herb and in the name of worship of Lord Ganesh, these wonderful herbs usage was taken to them right from childhood days.  
I appeal to all of you to educate your children the basic of ancient Indian system and Hindu Culture for a peaceful co-existence and for purposeful living.  In the name of JUST AND JUST RELIGION- let us not make our children unaware of our culture and rich tradition.  Even today – grandma box in the kitchen is a wonder remedy for many ailments, let us upkeep our tradition and culture – beyond and much beyond any religious threats either within or outside.    I will be back again soon……………………Hara  Hara Mahadeva
Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji

Suryakshetra 113 Ancient Indian Time Calculation

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   #303, Vijetha Sanjeevani Apartments,    6-4-8, Musheerabad Main Road,   Opp Gandhi Hospital, SECUNDERABAD  500080  AP India                                                                                                   E mail    web           Land Line 040 65581368
Mobile 9440422613                                                                                                                                                  
23rd  September 2012
Suryakshetra – 113  (The ancient Indian Time Calculation)
What this little man speaks……………………………………………………………………………………………………..            
Quote: 1) To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
2) Much of the stress that people feel does not come from having too much to do; it comes from not finishing what they started.
 The modern world knew 365 days a year; and thereafter century etc.  The time calculation is being done from that upper level to the lower level of a 1/60th of a minute – a second.  Fraction of a second or much beyond a millennium is not in the modern time calculation.  Let us examine how Indian Traditional system calculated time and let us understand that Ancient Indian calculating methods are still a million dollar question to modern scientists.  It is a fact that “time” is a continuous process, whether we calculate or ignore.  It was existent, it is, and it will be. 
When we go in search of the calculative methods adopted by ancient Indians, the highest started as “Kalpa” and total seven “Kalpa” periods is calculated and they are named as 1) Parthiva Kalpa, 2) Koorma Kalpa, 3) Pralay Kalpa, 4) Ananta Kalpa, 5) Swetavaraha Kalpa, 6)  Brahma Kalpa, and  7) Savithri Kalpa.  
Each Kalpa has 14 Manvantaraas and they are 1) Swayambhuva Manvantaram, 2) Swarochi, 3) Uttama, 4) Tamasa, 5) Raivata, 6) Chakshuva, 7) Vaivaswata, 8) Saavarni, 9) Daksha Saavarni, 10) Brahma Saavarni, 11)  Dharma Saavarni, 12) Rudra Saavarni, 13) Deva Saavarni, and 14) Indra Saavarni.
Each Manvantaram has four Yugaas and they are 1) Kruta Yug, 2) Treta Yug, 3) Dwapara Yug, and 4) Kali Yug.  ( The total length of Kali Yug is 432,000 years; 864,000 for Dwapara Yug; 1,296,000 for Treta Yug; and 1,728,000 years).    Red letter indication is the present period.
Thus one Manvantaram has 432,000 + 864,000 + 1,296,000 + 1,728,000 years = TOTAL  4,320,000 years
Each Yug has seven Sakaas and they are 1) Yudhishtir, 2) Vikrama, 3) Saalivahana, 4) Vijaya, 5) Abhinandana, 6) Naagarjuna, and 7) Kali Sak.  Which means for present time the span of years 432000 divided by 7 shall be the span for each sak.
This is further divided into 60 years cycle, and each year into two ayana and six ritu, each ayana has six months, each month has two fortnights, each fortnight has fifteen thithis basing on sun and moon cycle, and each fortnight has two weeks, each week seven days, each day into 60 Ghatika, each Ghatika has 60 Vighatika, and each Vighatika has 6 prana, each prana has 10 Gurvakshram, each Gurvaksharam has 27 Nimesham, each Nimesham has 30 Lavam, and each Lavam has 100 Triti  means  1 x 30 x 27 x 10 x 6 x 60 x 60  means each day  consisting of 24 hours  has 1,74,960,000 Triti period. 
As per the Gregorian calendar we follow the present calculation of day as per minutes and seconds goes up to 1 x 60 x 60 x 24 hours becomes 86400 seconds per day.
Now let us know how Ancient Indians calculated time.  Each second of us as per  present calendar and day calculation is sub divided  by 225 by ancient Indians and the final is reached as Triti which is 1/225  part of a second which means Indians could reach 225th part of a second long and long ago.  Kindly note that 1/225 second is the Pran Shakti leaving the body making any one dead.
It is surely   a meticulous calculation which no other country could reach.  This applies for both the micro and macro level calculation.  Probably it is beyond the scope and knowledge of modern mathematicians. 
 All this was being taught to our children till about 1980s and when gradually children amended themselves for job oriented education than knowledge oriented education, unfortunately a day has come into our lives where we are forgetting our ancestor’s greatness and greatness of Indian Sages. 
No paper, no pen, no laptop, no calculator, no telescope, no periscope, no modern equipments, still our ancestors could do wonders and over a period of time, we have fallen into so called modern education leaving all basics and fundamentals of BRAIN USAGE.  We have more or less becomes machine dependants and it is not known where we are being lead to.
At least now, parents may educate their children – dusting out the old text books and give children basic morale and morale related education as well knowledge base, so that children may use their brain power more efficiently and more accurately than anyone else on this mother earth.  (Recent incident –I purchased two pencils each costing Rs.2/- and that shop boy took a calculator to find out the total ?.. this is where we are  ). 
Let us all salute the great sages of India, the great mathematicians and the great kings who extended all support to such research in ancient days.  They are all great – forever great.  We are fortunately great having been the successors of those great people.  Let us upkeep our greatness and take care of the next generation more carefully and more diligently.
Quote; 1) Being kind is more important than being right.  Sometimes people need a caring heart to listen and not a brilliant mind to speak.
2) An unwise person empties his mind every time he opens mouth.
I will be back again soon……………………
Hara  Hara Mahadeva
Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji

Friday, September 21, 2012

Suryakshetra -112

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   #303, Vijetha Sanjeevani Apartments,    6-4-8, Musheerabad Main Road,                                                                                                                                                          Opp Gandhi Hospital, SECUNDERABAD  500080  AP India                                                                                                                                                                        E mail    web                                                                                                                         Land Line 040 65581368  Mobile 9440422613                                                                                                                                               17th September 2012
Suryakshetra – 112(Gothra –  Vasishta Rishi & Kaashyap  Rishi Lineage)
What this little man speaks……………………………………………………………………………………………………..              
Many references come to me from those who view my  blog and I desire to mention that I am placing the best of the information available from different sources in the best interest of all of us. It is also my desire to place some information relating to Mantra and its power in due course of time. In continuation to what was said in news letter 109,  110 and 111, I am giving hereunder the order of Vasishta Rishi lineage.
1)Kowdinya- Vasishta, Maitravaruna, Kowdinya,    2) Parasara- Vasishta, Saaktya,   Paaraasharya                     3) Vasishta – Vasishta, Maitravaruna, Kowdinya 4)  Vasishta- Vasishta (Singe Rishi Gothra),  5)  Harit – Vasishta (Single Rishi Gothra) 6) Aashwalaayana – Vasishta, Aindrapramad, Aabharadwasasya,   
 7) Upamanyu -  Vasishta, Aindrapramad, Aabharadwasasya, 8) Kanwa - Vasishta, Aindrapramad, Aabharadwasasya, 9) Bodhayan – Vasishta, Aatreya, Jaatukarnya,  10) Mitravarun – Vasishta, Maitravarun, Kowdinya, 11) Mowdgal - Vasishta, Maitravarun, Kowdinya,
Please refine or add, or suggest for deletion of  the order, if you have any specific information on this subject, so that it will help everyone to correct themselves.
Kaashyap Rishi lineage
Naidhruva – Kaashyap, Aavatsaar, Naidhruv,  2) Rebha- Kaashyap, Aavatsaar, Rebha, 3) Saandilya – Kaashyap, Aavatsaar, Saandilya 4) Saandilya – Kaashyap, Aavatsaar, Naidhruv, 5) Bhrugu - Kaashyap, Aavatsaar, Naidhruv,  6) Marichi- Kaashyap, Aavatsaar, Naidhruv, 7) Raibhya –Kaashyap, Aavatsaar, Raibhya.
Quote: 1) No one is rich in this world to buy one’s own childhood and youth back. Only friends help us to gain it back with no additional cost.     
1)      Ability can never remain hidden, no injury is deeper than insult, and we have to remember that the birth of tension is the root cause for the death of talent.
I shall be back again soon………………………
Hara Hara Mahadeva Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji