Thursday, November 29, 2012

Suryakshetra 119 BIRTH DAY

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji
29th November 2012
Suryakshetra -119 (Are we aware of our calendar now?)
Knowingly or otherwise, most of us have become victims of – on going trends.  Surely – everyone has to admit that we have very rich culture and tradition.  For whatever reason it is, most unfortunately, we make our children to forget our traditions and culture – and THIS GENERATION AROUND THE AGE OF 30-50 ARE MOSTLY responsible for this undesirable trend.  Ask anyone in the family – from the father to the five year child about their birth date – surely we get an answer like 13th January this year or some such date.  Remember it is not according to our traditional Hindu calendar, it is purely on Christian Calendar.  I am not against the convenience of the world, I am surely against the trend of forgetting homeland culture and traditions and surrendering to western culture.  
We have been following a calendar since thousands of years, which gives us the lunar, sun as well star position on each day, Name of the year, the section of the year, The ritu or the season of the period, the month with its name, the bright or the dark fortnight, the star position, the Lunar Position basing on the Tithi, the name of the day and so on.  In one word, we would come to know lot many things.  In the Christian era, we do not find all this excepting the day, date, month and year. 
We should make our children know our calendar and each of us should know at least details regarding birth date as per HINDU CALENDAR.  Secondly Hindu system does not allow “putting off” the lights; we believe in PUTTING UP LAMPS and we celebrate Diwali worshiping lamps.  Putting Off the lamps is considered to be quite inauspicious in this country. Incidentally, children ARE ALLOWED to put off lights while cutting cakes. HINDUS, worship birth day – like Mahaveer Jayanthi, Gurunaanak Jayanthi, Datta Jayanthi, Vamana Jayanthi etc.  Hindus love the BIRTH DATE of these great personalities as per HINDU CALENDAR, and there is no system in Hinduism to worship any one on the day of their death.  We love to keep great personalities forever in our memories and keep THEM always alive – amidst us.     LET US HELP OURSELVES AND OUR CHILDREN TO RESPECT HINDU CALENDER ATLEAST FROM NOW ON, LET US CELEBRATE BIRTH DAY ONLY BASING ON THIS. Let us not PUT OFF lights and let us not put an end to the knowledge base of our children.   Let us educate our children from now on.     MERA BHARAT MAHAAN.
Quote: Hunger Makes Hard Beans Sweet.                                                                                                                                                      I shall be back again soon   Hara Hara Mahadeva                                                                              Dr P V SESHA SAI ASWAMEDHAYAAJI

Suryakshetra 118 On Dharmic Attitude

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji

Suryakshetra -118 (Philosophy of life with reference to Mahabharata)
Every Indian – by virtue of his birth in THE GREAT LAND OF INDIA – is a philosopher.  History proved that any person from Indian Origin did not capture others land or others properties.  The nature of “Dharmic Life” is inherited just by taking birth on this HOLY LAND.  “Live and let live” policy is not copied from other countries, it is purely an Indian nature of thinking, and probably others are allured and copied. 
Let us basically examine this concept “Kshanam Chittam Kshanam Vittam, Kshanam Jeevita Maavayo, Yamasya Karunaa Naasti, Dharmasya Twarita Gati   means mind may change quickly; Money and Property may disappear instantly; Life may come to end by 1/225 of a second; even dharmic attitude may get changed – therefore one should not wait to take the matter from RIGHT HAND TO LEFT HAND. Anything may happen in between. 
This is the greatest philosophy of Indian Origin, the moment, the matter, the mindset – might undergo changes with the intervention of even a fraction of a second.
During Mahabharata time, Lord Krishna desired to test Dana Karna, and when Lord Krishna asked for Daan, the great Dana Karna offered Lord Krishna with his left hand.  Lord Krishna questioned Dana Karna whether it is proper to offer Daan using left had, at that point of time, Dana Karna – mentioned the above sloka and said that he might not have that length of life to take the item of Daan from his left hand to right hand, hence he offered Lord Krishna using his left hand.  What a great philosophy, and how fortunate we are to take birth on this HOLY LAND.
Even Chanakya said “Sukhasya Moolam Dharmah, Dharmasya Moolam Ardhah, Ardhasya Moolam Raajyam, Raajyasya Moolam Indriya Jayam, Indriya Jayam Moolam Vinayah means with obedience one can reach “path of the duty” and with “Path of the duty” to “Sukham” – means purposeful, eventful, healthy (mind and body health) life.  MERA BHARAT MAHAAN.
Quote: Possibility or impossibility does not depend on the size of our goal, but surely depends on the size of our faith and dharmic attitude.
I shall be back again soon………………………………………………Hara Hara Mahadeva Dr P V SESHA SAI ASWAMEDHAYAAJI

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

suryakshetra 117

                 Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji                                                                                                                                                                          26th November 2012
Suryakshetra -117 (On Sounds of Great Indian Origin)
What this little man speaks………………………………………………………………………………..
The world might not know much about the Indian Culture; Hinduism and various emotional, spiritual heights in the system of Hinduism.  The Vedas are constructed just on the basis of sounds; many a times unless and until one gets acquainted with Sanskrit – the basic of Hinduism, one cannot use the sound to derive the benefits out of it.  The sounds are generated from bottom level of “Nabhi” and this is one part and one can experience only when he gets involved into the systems.  Many a times, people do not believe whether “Sound” has that much effect.  Surely, it has; in a moment a sound can make any one shed tears; it can bring out at least 16 teeth out of a great smile or laugh; it can do many wonders. 
Still people many not believe it, but surely I do not write much on the Vedic Texts, but I can refer to History where the magical sounds of Indian Origin did wonders in the past.
The great Ragaas of Indian Classical Music which are directly connected to the Sound structures of Indian Origin – are the best live and historical examples. Shri  Galib – when he started Aaalapana of Bhairavi Raag – the members present in the court of the King heard – the roaring sounds of Rivers; during 1585, Shri Tansen – a great singer – when he started Aaalapana of Deepak Raag – the lamps in the court of the king automatically caught the light and started burning; when Shri Muttuswami Deekshitulu started Aaalapana of Amrit Varshini, suddenly there were clouds and it started raining.  Similarly, the composition of HINDOLA Raag is for Love and Affection; DEEPAK Raag in the evening times is for kindness; MEKHA Raag is for rains; SREE Raag is for Kind heartedness; MAALKOSU is for bravery and so on.
I have seen personally, when MAHANYAASAM is run in anyone’s house, lot of peace and emotional attachment amongst the family members was witnessed. 
Let us know more about ourselves, our culture, our traditions, our joint family system and our heritage. Surely, we get admired of our past, and feel like to continue to maintain – during the times ahead of us. There might be great nations with more rich culture, but we – GREAT INDIANS ARE SECOND TO NONE.
I shall be back again soon………
Quote: Problems arises in life when we over estimates others or the problems and under estimate ourselves.