Saturday, May 26, 2012

Suryakshetra 108 Time UP

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji
Web:, 09440422613       USA Direct Number 8129613700       21st May 2012
What this little man speaks…
FUNNY: 1) Pizza reaches home faster than Ambulance and Police, 2) Rice costs Rs.40 plus a kg, while Mobile sim card is free, 3) The foot wear we wear is sold in Air Conditioned malls, when the vegetables we eat are sold on foot path, 4) We make lemon juices with artificial flavors, while the dish wash liquids are with real lemon,   What a wonder!
I was writing about the time factor sometime ago and I was not convinced about the present Gregorian calendar that we are following. Nothing wrong in following Christian era, since convenience is the fundamental factor.  But that does not mean that Calculation of time started only with this phenomenon.  Sometimes, it is quite difficult to realize and assimilate the truth.  Thousands of years ago, even much before that when we make a reference to Ramayana Times, week days, lunar circles were taken into consideration for calculating time.  One great personality in between was Shri Bhishma Pitamah during Mahabharat time, who did lot of research on the Time Calculations.  The Christian era calculations – touched, years-months-fortnights-weeks-days-hours-minutes-seconds and that’s all.  It is quite convenient to remember to the extent of these calculations. 
But the Indian Calculations which were thousands of years much – much prior to Christian era makes us to a spell bound silence and eye lids up with all surprise. 1) Paramaanu x 2 = Anu; 2) Anu x 3 = Trasarenu; 3) Trasarenu x 3 = Truti; 4) Truti x 100 = Vedha; 5) Vedha x 3 = Lavam; 6)   Lavam x 3 Nimesham; 7) Nimesham x 3 = Kshanam; 8) Kshanam x 5 = Kaashta; and so on. 
Please note that Truti is the one element which is measured for the LIFE to leave the Physical body.  Let us correlate and equate with the modern time calculation, one Kshanam as referred in (7) above, is 12/5 second.  Perhaps it might be clear for us now that our ancient calculations are much beyond the capacities of the modern and scientific calculators.  It was in those days when no tool for measurement was available and each and every part of the time was to be invented and measured.  That is the greatness of our ancient sages and traditions.  Another Interesting time calculation of Ancient India will be presented to you all in the next letter.
I desire to present a valuable information way back to 1890s when the East India Company released a coin of Goddess Durga with her ten hands and it was nothing but a posture of Mahishaasura Mardani.  Photograph will be presented for the benefit of readers.    
Little Fun this time: - Why did a music teacher need a ladder – to reach high nodes perhaps
What are the two things one cannot have at one time - Breakfast and Dinner Perhaps?
What did “baby corn” say to “Mom Corn” -- Where is “Papa (Pop) Corn perhaps
Why always serious topics and why not some fun now and then…………I will be back soon.
       Hara hara mahadeva Dr P V SESHA SAI ASWAMEDHAYAAJI

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