Saturday, July 6, 2013

Suryakshetra 121 - Worldwide Tributes to the departed souls in Uttarakhand disaster

My dear friends and like minded persons
Please try to circulate to as many as possible so that each of us can contribute our best to the departed souls on the forthcoming Amvasya Tithi day. More over, those who are familiar with rituals and procedures, may offer tarpana also on that day. From our side, we are planning for all the programs.  

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji
Executive President – World Brahman Organization
#303, Vijetha Sanjeevani Apartments, 6-4-8, Musheerabad Main Road, Secunderabad A.P
500080,   Phones  Mobile 9440422613, landline 040-65581368,
2nd July  2013
Suryakshetra - 121
My dear friends and like minded persons
The recent disaster in Uttarakhand brought tears into the eyes of at least a few lakhs of people.  People in the Organized sector like families etc could establish the names of those missing and this has become the main base for the Government to calculate the number of deaths or missing persons.  Fine, this data would certainly help the world to know the death toll as per records.  But, Indian culture and style of life in India is different particularly in places of religious importance. 
How and on what basis any one can assess the EXACT death toll particularly of Sadhu and Sant those who do not posses any ration card; those who do not have adhaar card; those who do not have any kith and kin etc.  No one in India or elsewhere can establish the number of such persons  who keep themselves moving from place to place.  Particularly when Char Dham Yatra is opened, many Sadhu and Sant prefer to stay in these places, as they are of utmost religious importance.
Secondly, people who live on begging, get migrated to places like Char Dham etc., even they do not posses any ration card etc and these death shall naturally be innumerable in number. 
This is a peculiar situation and people who are Sadhu and Sants gather in innumerable number in India in any religious meet, as is seen in the recent Kumbh Mela. 
Hence it is logically concluded that the death toll shall go lakhs invariably, whether Government agrees or not.  NO STATISTICAL DATA SHALL BECOME POSSIBLE, since the dead bodies were also buried under lower layers of silt in the river. 
Keeping in view of all the aforementioned, it becomes our duty to pay tributes to such of those Sadhu, Sants who are pride of our Nation; besides those who died countless in number  - and the best time is mid day at 12 noon on the forthcoming Amavasya Tithi – Sunday,  the 7th July 2013.  All that we can do is 1) observing one minutes silence for keeping those souls rest in peace
2) offering food etc to poor people locally or offering of food materials to Cows, 3) THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD, PLEASE OBSERVE FASTING.
LET EACH OF US SHED A DROP OF TEARS ---------------------------MERA BHARAT MAHAAN                      Yours sincerely  
  Hara Hara Mahadeva     Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji

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