What this little man speaks……………………………….
Quote: Our judgements about things vary according to the time left us to live-that we think is left us to live.
Lakshmi Sadhana: Sadhana means a tool for doing some thing . For example, one desires to go to Delhi from Banglore. He may choose rail, air or road or even walk as a mode for the movement. All that depends on how fast he desires to reach his destination. In this two things are visible; one is setting a goal and the other is selecting a mode to achieve the targeted results. Lakkshmi Sadhana is also one such mode to make us to
reach the destination as per sages of ancient ages.
Dakshinavrit Sankh is a very nice apparatus in my experience. It is a shell from Sea. Normal Sankhs might
have been seen by everyone of us. This is a rare specious and its opening is to our right hand side unlike other usual sankhs for which the opening is to our left hand side. Many ancient scripts have written about it and its uses. It is a very good apparatus for acquiring financial gains; for acquiring good health; for child welfare; for retention of wealth and so on. As Lakshmi is said to have taken birth from sea, one of the specious of this rare quality sankh is also believed to have been born with it. The sankh is also believed to be a purifier. A little water is to be put into the sankh and sprayed in the house, is believed to purify the climate besides helping for retention of the wealth of the house. I have seen childless being blessed with children when the couple drink a little milk before bed time through this sankh. If any one has belief that SOUND SYSTEM in other words MANTRA sastra has any power, the following BEEJAAS-seeds can be used while taking the assistance of this rare sankh.
Chanting of beeja sounds is an accepted phenomenon in every religion. The aforementioned beej mantra is
to be chanted 108 times at least everyday using c rystal chains. Rock crystal beed is the best suited since any one can eye witness sparks coming of this when rubbed.
Even mere retention of this sankh in the house is also found to be quite useful. Other advantages of this
Sankh follow.
Quote: Pleasure is the sincerest compliment.
Guru: only one master in the entire life process for all branches is not possible. Hence choosing of a master
for different walks of life, is not a barring matter. For me, even a small incident; a small child too are the masters since a inspiring message is received ON CERTAIN OCCASIONS. A child in the arms gives abundant pleasure which may not be possible for us elsewhere even after spending any amount. A state of BLISS can be experienced and we get mesmerized – or stay in a STATE OF SAMMOHAN STITI for awhile. Even a seasoned statesman will admire smile of a child even when there is no verbal conversation between the child and himself.
For some time we forget the other world. I have something to express on this, but for the limitation of time and space on this paper.
Quote: The roots of education are bitter; but the fruit is sweet.
I shall be back again soon………….
Dr P V Sesha Sai
What this little man speaks……………………………….
Quote: Our judgements about things vary according to the time left us to live-that we think is left us to live.
Lakshmi Sadhana: Sadhana means a tool for doing some thing . For example, one desires to go to Delhi from Banglore. He may choose rail, air or road or even walk as a mode for the movement. All that depends on how fast he desires to reach his destination. In this two things are visible; one is setting a goal and the other is selecting a mode to achieve the targeted results. Lakkshmi Sadhana is also one such mode to make us to
reach the destination as per sages of ancient ages.
Dakshinavrit Sankh is a very nice apparatus in my experience. It is a shell from Sea. Normal Sankhs might
have been seen by everyone of us. This is a rare specious and its opening is to our right hand side unlike other usual sankhs for which the opening is to our left hand side. Many ancient scripts have written about it and its uses. It is a very good apparatus for acquiring financial gains; for acquiring good health; for child welfare; for retention of wealth and so on. As Lakshmi is said to have taken birth from sea, one of the specious of this rare quality sankh is also believed to have been born with it. The sankh is also believed to be a purifier. A little water is to be put into the sankh and sprayed in the house, is believed to purify the climate besides helping for retention of the wealth of the house. I have seen childless being blessed with children when the couple drink a little milk before bed time through this sankh. If any one has belief that SOUND SYSTEM in other words MANTRA sastra has any power, the following BEEJAAS-seeds can be used while taking the assistance of this rare sankh.
Chanting of beeja sounds is an accepted phenomenon in every religion. The aforementioned beej mantra is
to be chanted 108 times at least everyday using c rystal chains. Rock crystal beed is the best suited since any one can eye witness sparks coming of this when rubbed.
Even mere retention of this sankh in the house is also found to be quite useful. Other advantages of this
Sankh follow.
Quote: Pleasure is the sincerest compliment.
Guru: only one master in the entire life process for all branches is not possible. Hence choosing of a master
for different walks of life, is not a barring matter. For me, even a small incident; a small child too are the masters since a inspiring message is received ON CERTAIN OCCASIONS. A child in the arms gives abundant pleasure which may not be possible for us elsewhere even after spending any amount. A state of BLISS can be experienced and we get mesmerized – or stay in a STATE OF SAMMOHAN STITI for awhile. Even a seasoned statesman will admire smile of a child even when there is no verbal conversation between the child and himself.
For some time we forget the other world. I have something to express on this, but for the limitation of time and space on this paper.
Quote: The roots of education are bitter; but the fruit is sweet.
I shall be back again soon………….
Dr P V Sesha Sai
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