Friday, December 14, 2007



What this little man speaks……………………………………………………..

Quote: Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

I enjoyed the privilege of presenting several hundreds of topics duly analyzing them with logical reasoning that suits the wave length of material world of today. I can assure you that such presentation shall stands continued as long as I receive the requisite knowledge and inspiration from great of sages of the Holy land particularly of Naimishaaranya-the only land that posses the great treasures. Today I am inspired to write a few lines on the greatness of sound, if only it is not mistaken as mantra sastra which I was referring to when I concentrated on writing the subject –SOUND. Today the same sound is referred to the sound of Music. Listening itself is an art. Some time ago I remember to have mentioned that a good listener is always successful as long as the listener distinguishes between wanted and otherwise in the subject received by his sensing organ-ear.

Well, in today’s context music is equated to the divine Lord. It simply works as a tonic. Be it the pulsating drum beats which set the tempo for the day or the soulful strumming of guitar, peaceful notes of the piano or the melody of the flute. Experience and experiments reveal that many tough jobs are made easy by using the wonderful tonic-music. Here are the few tips to listen to music the right way for transformation and healing that generates positive energy all through.

Selection of appropriate music. In normal routine, most of us choose the tunes we like. Often the music were least attracted to will have the greatest benefit when played in the right sequence. For example when angry, the first instinct is to put on some really angry music. It looks like using symptomatic treatment as is in some sciences like Homeo etc. Therefore selecting music depends on person to person.

Music sequencing: Sometimes it is necessary to first choose music that totally matches ones mood rather than the mood one wish to acquire. Consider arranging a series of different musical compositions in sequence just for matching the need. For example if one feels depressed, select a composition which represents extreme depression. Follow immediately this with one that is only mildly depressing and then a select a neutral composition and end with a composition which is clearly uplifting and motivating. In other words, listening in a sequence helps any one to honour the current mood and then transformed.

Speakers are ideal: It is ideal to listen to the music through speakers rather than headphones so that the cells of the body themselves may “listen” the sound.

Preparation: Be relaxed, sit or lie down and take a good and long breathe. Listen to the musical composition all the way without causing an interruption. Just listen to the music while keeping away the normal tendency of most of us to tune the music and indulge in doing other acts.

Mind and body connection: A lot of research has been done which proved that there is a definite connection between mind and the body-may be referred to emotion too. Though music healing is often related to relaxations and emotions, there is a corner which can not be forgotten that this has its impact on curing physical illnesses too. In good olden days, we used to begin the day with some melody like “suprabhatam” etc which have paved the way for total sacredness of the body and mind and resultantly we enjoyed the output too. Even today, inspite of the pressure of work and related tensions, it is better we open the day with some dedication so that the day ends peacefully, purposefully, and with a better outcome than usual.

Quote: The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion of his commitment to excellence.

I shall be back again soon… HARA HARA MAHADEVA
Vedanta Visarada Dr P V Sesha Sai
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