Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji
9440422613                         11th May 2012
What this little man speaks…
Opening quote:  1) The great risk in life is not taking any risk. In life, people rarely regret when they tried and did not succeed. They surely regret when they never tried.                                                                        
2) Hope sees the invisible; feels the intangible; and achieves the impossible.  Let us not give up HOPE.
I really fear that some day, in due course of time, people of this Holy Mother Earth, are surely struggle to find out a piece of land for agricultural purposes; for their survival; and  land for constructions of own houses and so on. Let us assume that today the global population is around 700 crores in other words 7000 million.  Forget about a 100 crores or 1000 million population of India who incidentally- and mostly belong to Hindu religion where the dead bodies are burnt to ashes and not buried.  On an average each person needs 4 yards of space after death, if for any reason, someone of some religion, prefers to bury the dead body.  Now let us examine what would be the space required on this mother earth just as on today for burying the bodies.  6000 million multiplied by 4 yards or say 5 yards – it comes to 30000 million yards which means more than 6 million acres are a must if we choose to bury the bodies.  This multiplication is inter-related to birth which is again a fast growing phenomenon.  Each child born needs extra additional space.  How and where from?
In the recent past, I saw in news papers that in some towns and villages in India as well in many foreign countries, local administration expressed its helplessness to provide burial ground or space for burying the bodies.  We have already crossed a danger mark since burial grounds are occupying huge space in towns/cities and villages.  They are also causing lot of obstruction for  infrastructure facilities like laying up new roads etc. It is a very sensitive matter and the problem can be understood easily once WE ALL LOOK AS THIS AS HUMAN BEINGS NOT BELONGING TO ANY CASTE OR RELIGION.  Particularly in India, many roads could not be widened to catch up to the increasing demands only and only on account of burial grounds.  I am not talking about any religion or religious sentiments; nor I prefer to make any comment. 
After all WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS INITIALLY and later attached ourselves to some religion or the other and there are many reasons for interchange of our religions.  Whatever it is, we must foresee the comforts of our next generation.  Beyond the religious faiths, let us all contribute something towards peaceful and comfortable living standards of our next generations instead of catching hold of religious faiths.  Let us not make our next generations to live in burial grounds. ONE SHOULD TRUST THAT WE HAVE ONLY ONE LIMITED and VERY SCARCE  RESOURCE and THAT IS – EARTH.  How best we use, is our choice.
Let us all apply reason for our religious faiths, and let us all try to burn the bodies of the dead  to ashes in view of environmental critical situations.  The next generation shall not surely feel proud of the present generation – when we forcibly pass on only burial grounds to them.
Closing quote: When people hurt us again and again, let us think of them as SAND PAPERS, for the reason, at the end, we are polished and SAND PAPER is finished.       Hara hara mahadeva  Dr P V SESHA SAI ASWAMEDHAYAAJI

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