Thursday, June 18, 2009

Suryakshetra 74 - Eclipse

Dr P V Sesha Sai
1-9-52/F/3 MCH No 2859
Road No 19, Ramnagar, HYDERABAD 500020
Phones 040 7661613 55581368 Cell: 9440422613
E mail,,

What this little man speaks …………………..
Quote : Everything we do has a result. But that which is right and prudent does not always lead to good, nor the contrary to what is bad.

Sun and the Moon are the two visible large planets and that they have something to do with our day to day life. The ancient sages of Hindu origin found nine planets playing a vital role on the lives of human beings. The Indian Astrology is a part of Upavedaas and most authenticated science. The Science is such a great one that even a small pundit in a remote village in India is capable of calculating accurately the planetary movements through the available resourceful science. The modern scientists have accepted the planets after a thorough research and ultimately found what has been said about the quality of the planet in vedas, is true. Incidentally the Indian astrologers for various reasons are unable to prove their capacities though gradually the Indian system of astrology captured the confidence of millions across the globe.

This is a separate subject to be taken up, and for us we have straight a wonderful day in front of us. That is 4th May 2004 when the eclipse is taking place. The most powerful planet – THE MOON – is going to be shadowed by the dragons tail – the Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are the two shadow planets besides the major 7 planets. When Rahu is considered as dragons head, the tail is Ketu. On 4th May, the eclipse is taking place at 00.10 of 5th May and lasts up to 3.45 am. This is when reckoned from midnight of 4th. The stars on which the Moon transit and the shadowing is taking place is SWATHI AND VISAKHA. That is to say in the zodiac sign of Libra as per Indian astrology. The western astrology is reckoned from specific dates for each sign and the science is not that deep as that of Indian astrological sciences. The Indian astrology has identified 27 stars and each is sub divided into 4 parts thus making the total parts to 108. When the same is re allocated each zodiac sign gets 9 parts thus making the total to 108 for 12 signs. That means a new born is identified in the 108 parts and the calculations are thus accurate. When this is the mathematical part, the remedial action part is also as accurate as that of the former part of astrology.

Those who have faith in the science, may observe total fasting during the time of eclipse and preferably from sunset time of 4th to the sun rising time of 5th. The fine grass is a kind of protection from the atmospheric pollution during the time. Bath is suggested prior to and after the eclipse. The eclipse time is a wonder time for chanting mantraas and prayers. Why fine grass is to be put and why mantraas are to be chanted during the period are likely to be taken up in due course of time as the subject matter is lengthy and may not give scope in this mail.

Those who have belief on this system and those who are born in Swathi and Visakha stars are suggested to pray separately to over come the ill effects of the eclipse.

Quote: Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

I shall be back again soon……………………………..HARA HARA MAHADEVA

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