Dr P V Sesha Sai
1-9-52/F/3 MCH No 2859
Road No 19, Ramnagar, HYDERABAD 500020
Phones 040 7661613 55581368 Cell: 9440422613
E mail shodasisai@hotmail.com, shodasisai@rediffmail.com, shodasisai@yahoo.com,
perisepallipadmasai@rediffmail.com, aanandaashramam@rediffmail.com, drseshasai@bharatmail.com
aanandaashramam@yahoo.com, suryakshetra@yahoo.com, sriluck678@hotmail.com
13th August 2004
Isolation -------a word which has the most fear creating meaning. Isolation is the “ultimate” whether someone accepts or not. The fear, sorrow, happiness and all that are in ISOLATION. Whether any one of you accepts the word or not, one day or the other ISOLATION has be experienced by each of us.
Quote: It is not the employer who pays the wages, the truth is that he only handles money. It is the product that pays the wages.
In the recent past, perhaps not even three days, I was to pay attention on this subject ISOLATION. There will not be sufficient TIME for most of us to think of ISOLATION WHILE IN GOOD AGE. I have seen, we do not really realize the boons that were granted to us by the Lord. We do not for a moment accept that we are blessed with boons, for the reasons, the other pressures that are thirst on us do not allow us to look at the other side of the coin some time the culture we developed amongst ourselves too. For example, a blind person knows what boon others who have both the eyes. He realized the importance of eye because he does not have one such. The person who have both the eyes properly working have no time to think of the boon he is enjoying.
Similarly it is very difficult for us to realize the importance of our own family members. Normally they are alone available for us to show our anger, uneasiness and what not. We surely know that others do not bear all this unwanted qualities of us. But the fact is that the OTHERS do not run with us for long time. At the best only our family members beyond their “likes and dislikes” try to live with us and bear us.
Most of us must have the sweet memories of the past, the memories relating to the lovely spending of time with grand daughter or our own children. Each of them physically and gradually disappears from us leaving us alone and leaving the MEMORIES only to us. It is a fact. I JUST REALIZED THAT PHILOSOPHY IS NOTHING BUT ACCEPTANCE OF FACTS. This has struck my brain a week ago. Though I was a student of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan studying Vedanta Visarada course for quite a long time, I realized the simple meaning of philosophy only last week. Surely the reason, some changes have come into our house; my naughty grand daughter and grand son who have come from US went back along with their mother – my eldest daughter; my second daughter who got married a few months ago left for US to meet her husband; my only son who happened to be a B Tech left for higher studies and ME, my wife are remained in the house feeling the sense of ISOLATION at this stage.
Thank Lord, having been worshipping HIM right from the childhood days, we feel that now LORD IS WITH US.
The purpose of writing all this is to urge upon to utilize the most valuable time in all sweetness possible with all yours in the family. Try to educate the children on the best and sound lines so that they develop a kind of oneness. PLEASE REMEMBER PHYSICAL ISOLATION IS POSSIBLE BUT SURELY NOT THE MEMORY ISOLATION. Memories live with us and that is the reason why I write this requesting all of you to CREATE AS MANY MEMORIES AS MUCH WHICH CAN NOT BE ISOLATED FOREVER. The time runs fast and it does not wait for us. PLEASE DO NOT MISS EVEN A MINUTE, it is surely the time to enjoy each minute of us with the family members loving each other and developing a congenial atmosphere where one can express their feelings freely and decently.
Again BLIND LOVE is one, which is to be AVOIDED while remembering the episode of Kind Dhritarashtra.
DAY OF ISOLATION IS JUST AHEAD OF YOU, “facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored”.
I shall be back again soon………………………..HARA HARA MAHADEVA DR P V SESHA SAI
1-9-52/F/3 MCH No 2859
Road No 19, Ramnagar, HYDERABAD 500020
Phones 040 7661613 55581368 Cell: 9440422613
E mail shodasisai@hotmail.com, shodasisai@rediffmail.com, shodasisai@yahoo.com,
perisepallipadmasai@rediffmail.com, aanandaashramam@rediffmail.com, drseshasai@bharatmail.com
aanandaashramam@yahoo.com, suryakshetra@yahoo.com, sriluck678@hotmail.com
13th August 2004
Isolation -------a word which has the most fear creating meaning. Isolation is the “ultimate” whether someone accepts or not. The fear, sorrow, happiness and all that are in ISOLATION. Whether any one of you accepts the word or not, one day or the other ISOLATION has be experienced by each of us.
Quote: It is not the employer who pays the wages, the truth is that he only handles money. It is the product that pays the wages.
In the recent past, perhaps not even three days, I was to pay attention on this subject ISOLATION. There will not be sufficient TIME for most of us to think of ISOLATION WHILE IN GOOD AGE. I have seen, we do not really realize the boons that were granted to us by the Lord. We do not for a moment accept that we are blessed with boons, for the reasons, the other pressures that are thirst on us do not allow us to look at the other side of the coin some time the culture we developed amongst ourselves too. For example, a blind person knows what boon others who have both the eyes. He realized the importance of eye because he does not have one such. The person who have both the eyes properly working have no time to think of the boon he is enjoying.
Similarly it is very difficult for us to realize the importance of our own family members. Normally they are alone available for us to show our anger, uneasiness and what not. We surely know that others do not bear all this unwanted qualities of us. But the fact is that the OTHERS do not run with us for long time. At the best only our family members beyond their “likes and dislikes” try to live with us and bear us.
Most of us must have the sweet memories of the past, the memories relating to the lovely spending of time with grand daughter or our own children. Each of them physically and gradually disappears from us leaving us alone and leaving the MEMORIES only to us. It is a fact. I JUST REALIZED THAT PHILOSOPHY IS NOTHING BUT ACCEPTANCE OF FACTS. This has struck my brain a week ago. Though I was a student of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan studying Vedanta Visarada course for quite a long time, I realized the simple meaning of philosophy only last week. Surely the reason, some changes have come into our house; my naughty grand daughter and grand son who have come from US went back along with their mother – my eldest daughter; my second daughter who got married a few months ago left for US to meet her husband; my only son who happened to be a B Tech left for higher studies and ME, my wife are remained in the house feeling the sense of ISOLATION at this stage.
Thank Lord, having been worshipping HIM right from the childhood days, we feel that now LORD IS WITH US.
The purpose of writing all this is to urge upon to utilize the most valuable time in all sweetness possible with all yours in the family. Try to educate the children on the best and sound lines so that they develop a kind of oneness. PLEASE REMEMBER PHYSICAL ISOLATION IS POSSIBLE BUT SURELY NOT THE MEMORY ISOLATION. Memories live with us and that is the reason why I write this requesting all of you to CREATE AS MANY MEMORIES AS MUCH WHICH CAN NOT BE ISOLATED FOREVER. The time runs fast and it does not wait for us. PLEASE DO NOT MISS EVEN A MINUTE, it is surely the time to enjoy each minute of us with the family members loving each other and developing a congenial atmosphere where one can express their feelings freely and decently.
Again BLIND LOVE is one, which is to be AVOIDED while remembering the episode of Kind Dhritarashtra.
DAY OF ISOLATION IS JUST AHEAD OF YOU, “facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored”.
I shall be back again soon………………………..HARA HARA MAHADEVA DR P V SESHA SAI
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