Dr P V Sesha Sai
Phones: 91-40- 27661613, 55581368 Cell: 94404 22613
6TH November 2004
What this little man speaks…………………………
While referring to the Suryakshetra 83, I desire to mention here that amongst Parents, Master and God, the master –GURU ranks first for the reason, parents are responsible for giving us birth but then it is on account of some forces they gave birth to us unknowingly and further the brought up etc again depends on their capabilities etc. God – the Almighty is not apparently seen for giving knowledge and us all life comforts though all that is his creation. Surely GURU IS THE only one who impartially grants us vision and knowledge without anticipating any reward or return. He becomes the TRUE FRIEND, PHILOSOPHER AND THE GUIDE AND it is only on account of our total surrendering to him, we can gain knowledge which is a stepping stone for our livelihood and other associated comforts.
The vedic order says that GURU BRAHMA GURU VISHNU AND GURUDEVO MAHESWARA. In other words Guru is sometime equated to the Lord and sometimes more than the Lord is too. He does not act as per our choice and he is also a physical form of a MAN and with all likes and dislikes associated with the physical body, but then, as much as we do not see a simple stone in the idols of a temple, it is our duty to develop the conceptual skill to see the divinity in Guru. In the absence of our skill to develop the concept to visualize the DIVINITY in guru, we may fail to receive what is expected to be received by us from HIS DIVINE FORM. Are we in a position to see only a stone in Lord Venkateswara- certainly not? Hence all that depends on the way in which see. Let us not ask our GURU to remain, as we desire.
Sometimes, we consider SHIV LING as SHIV’S LING but it is really a shortsighted meaning for the reason there can not be BRAHMALING, VISHNU LING OR RAM LING ETC. SHIV EVA SWAYAM LINGAM – in other words LORD SHIVA is one force which is hidden in all living and non living beings. Leenam – Gamayateeti Lingam – MEANS the one, which is hidden, which is total, which is responsible for creation and which is LOKA KANLYANA KAARAK is THE SHIV LING. Shiva as per dictionary meaning is KALYANKAR, MANGALKAR, SUKHAKAR, and SUBHAKAR. The Vedas says– SAM SUKHAM KAROTEETI SANKARA. Coming to the formation of SHIV LING, no other idol in Hinduism is worshiped in the cylindrical shape or round shape. It is to be remembered here that even the Earth is of round shape. Shiva Ling is possessing ALPHA, GAMA BETA rays as is in the science of Atom, for the reason it is a part of the earth and is in the shape of earth.
Earth contains liquid form of Nitric Acid. I got an equation like MG + 2H NO 3 = MG (NO3) + H2 which means when acids reacts with metals they give birth to abundant power. Thus as and when we pour water or milk or PANCHA AMRUTHs like the life protecting milk etc onto the Shiva ling there create a chemical reaction. This subject is under deep study and more information is in being given in the next few issues. As per Hindu Sastras, we put Mercury under Shiva Ling at the time of installation. The Circle shaped Shiva Ling releases OXYGEN and more so when it is associated with MERCURY. More and more Oxygen is created due to the association of Oxygen with Mercury. As much the Mercury contents so much becomes the volume of Oxygen. The secret of Vayu Ling is nothing but this. The Oxygen so created will attract the proteins in the nature and thereupon creates OXY PROTEINS.
Thus Shiva Ling and its surroundings becomes more and more Oxy generating places. Agni – Fire is a conjunction or composition of ELECTRONS AND PROTEINS. Shiva Ling area is nothing but an excellent FIRE PLACE, which helps us to live more actively than elsewhere. It is nothing but a DYNAMIC MAGNETIC FIELD. This subject is also being studied from a different angle to derive at a perfect scientific conclusion.
I shall be back again soon……………………….HARA HARA MAHADEVA DR P V SESHA SAI
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