Thursday, June 18, 2009

Suryakshetra 85 - Mathematics Behind Srichakra


Dr P V Sesha Sai
Phones: 91-40- 27661613, 55581368 Cell: 94404 22613
3rd January 2005
What this little man speaks…
(Continuation to Suryakshetra 84)

What this little man speaks………………..

Any Shiva Linga has some quantity of magnetic field. Persons circling the Shiva Linga are considered to have been circling the magnetic field. When a circling is made naturally it is in conjunction with a running electrical field. Thus the totality of magnetic field and electrical field are considered to generate a new power amongst the person circling the Linga.

Similarly when we chant the Vedic texts a kind of air circling generates. AIR is a carrier and it has 0 degrees Centigrade heat. Its normal mobility is 331.3 meters per Second. Thus the mobility of AIR per minute is 19,878 meters and similarly per hour is 11,92,680 meters. Water contains normally 25 degrees centigrade heat and the power is 1498 meters per second. Fire heat is from 0 degrees centigrade and changes its degrees from time to circumstances and 331.3 centimeters per second energy. Now coming to the subject, we can imagine what kind of electricity is generated in a Vedic ritual like a YAGNA where the sound power in conjunction with water for abhishek and sacrifices to the Holy fire is offered simultaneously. According to vedic text – particularly in PURUSHA SUKTA – the word SAHASRA is denoted as infinite and unlimited and not merely a thousand – thus “sahasra seersha purusha………..” means unlimited and infinite number of points generated in the waves created from a center point has the same density as that of the center point or the origin.

Application of the same principle to the SRI CHAKRA ARCHANA where there is a BINDU – a center point and number of triangles on account of the upper four and lower five denoting to THE HOLY NUMBER NINE – 9, thus creates number of waves where similar power of the center can be experienced. Since this happened to be from INDIAN continent, normally it may take some more time for the world to come to this understanding, as BLING BELIEF IS ATTRIBUTED to Indian Traditional Systems. Indian Traditional Systems are the outcome of the sacrifices made by number of great sages who did not care for any reward or remuneration. Even the most authoritative science like AYURVEDA is of Indian Origin. Friends you may be aware as to how many persons might have sacrificed their lives to test each natural element to bring out MATERIA MEDICA. They did not have any selfish motive for making this research.

Unfortunately over a period of time, further generations developed a kind of craze towards others in the context of modernization, forgetting the fact that we are already modern and the engineering structures which appear today in many parts of the country those of ancient ages, speak how ADVANCED WE WERE CENTURIES AGO. My only eagerness is that LET US NOT belittle our sciences and sacrifices of our ancient SAGES. There might have been a few undesirable practices and even the other parts of the Globe are not an exception for such. As an educated, let us respect our culture and tradition at the same time let us not be a part for blind beliefs. Let us upkeep our RICH AND VERY RICH TRADITIONS AND family systems, obedience and respect to elders so on which are a must for the NEXT GENERATION.

I shall be back again soon…………………..HARA HARA

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