Vedanta Visarada, Adhyatmika Ratna, Sri Yaaga Vidya Praveena
Dr P V Sesha Sai
M.Com. CAIIB. B.L., AMIMA., Dip UNIU.,
(Former Chief Officer: Syndicate Bank)
Chief: SAINTS -School for Scientific Analysis on Indian Traditional Systems
1-9-52/F/3, MCH NO 2859, Road No. 19, Ramnagar, HYDERABAD, India 500020
Phones: 91-40- 27661613, 55581368 Cell: 94404 22613
5th November 2004
What this little man speaks………………………………………………..
As per the ancient texts GURU IS CONSIDERED AS BRAHMA, VISHNU AND MAHESWAR. In other words GURU HAS BEEN CONSIDERED AS THE SUPREME. Persons who have been following this paper were already in touch with the subject, however it is being repeated for the information of latest additional addressees so that they too can give us their opinion on the subject. Bhagavan Maanusha Roopena – to say, the Almighty interacts with us in the form of a human being mostly and in certain exception cases in his own form which is quite rare and not seen in one in ten laks cases. Guru – the master can not be treated as a simple human being though he has all other likes and dislikes like most of us. This is for the reason he possess unusual knowledge which will be able to reshape us and rebuild our desired kingdom in the shortest span of time. His knowledge is a treasure for us and his experiences are our manuals. As such, a master is a master and no second opinion. IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCH STRONG CONCEPT, PERHAPS WE MAY EQUATE THE MASTER WITH US AS NORMAL AS WE ARE AND WE WILL BE SURELY MISSING THE RICHNESS WHICH WE OUGHT TO SEE IN CASE WE HAVE STRONG CONCEPTION THAT WE SHOULD BECOME KNOWLEDGEABLE. Hence a master – either in a school, or in a college, or in office, or spiritually or for that matter in whatever school we remain shall ever remain GREAT. In the absence of this approach, we will surely fail to catch the true knowledge, which we need.
A few fear to keep the idols of Lords in the house. They feel as if they are committing a sin in case they keep idols of Lords in their houses. I desire to make it very clear that the Himalayan sage whom I met very recently made it specifically clear that IDOL WORSHIP IS NOT A SIN and mere possession of Idols does not make any one to suffer. The fear has been ruled as a baseless concept and THE SAGE made it clear that in SAGUNOPASANA i.e. in IDOL worship a person is equated to the related Lord or his force and there upon a sense of ONENESS is attained over a period of time. Concentration or centralizing of energy is gradually or automatically derived leading to further advancement in the subject desired. Hence I appeal to my friends not to keep any fear complex but surely go ahead so that THEY CAN REALLY ENJOY SOON the presence of the Lord of their choice. PRACTICE MAKES MEN PERFECT, you all know. You may now know that HUNGER MAKES HARD BEANS SWEET. Our hunger and our strong desire – manasa vaacha and karmana shall lead to the destination very soon than expected. Let us not accept any kind of dejection.
I shall be back again soon………………………HARA HARA MAHADEVA DR P V SESHA SAI
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