Friday, December 14, 2007



What this little man speaks……………………………….

Quote: Real joy comes not from ease or richness or from the praise of us, but certainly from doing something
2) The mind is a restless bird, the more it gets, the more it wants, and still remain unsatisfied.

Lakshmi Sadhana: I have already taken the privilege of bringing before you the necessity of keeping divine materials like Daskhinavrit Sankh, Arka Ganapathi, Coral and spatik maala(rosery) sadhanas and many such in the past. Now I present the Sri Adisankara Bhagavatpadas SOUNDARYA LAHARI for lakshmi saadhana. I have already written that Lakshmi saadhana should not be misunderstood as a saadhana JUST FOR FINANCIAL RICHNESS. It is a saadhana which keeps us in a state of AANANDA and make our lives memorable. Sadhana is a mode to make us to reach destination and HOLY GURU is one who keeps us informed of the shortest routes for such success. In other words it is a tool for doing some thing . For example, one desires to go to Delhi from Banglore. He may choose rail, air or road or even walk as a mode for the movement. All that depends on how fast he desires to reach his destination. In this process two things are a must; one is setting a goal and the other is selecting a mode to achieve the targeted results. Lakkshmi Sadhana is also one such mode to make us to reach the destination as per sages of ancient ages.

In the authenticated SOUNDARYA LAHARI, he has suggested certain methods for financial successes as described in 33 sloka, and 91, 92 etc. Similarly for PUTRA PRAPTI, for solving incurable illnesses etc and what not. One thing is certain that overnight results are not assured in any science, so also in this system. It all depends how best we devote ourselves to the suggested methods with all faith and devotion. We may also observe that faith is not just a word for HINDU systems alone, faith is a main component in other religions too. We do not have courage to question the faith of other religions, but unfortunately indulge in questioning the ancient practices suggested by sages. At this juncture, I apply logic and question whether we follow the systems suggested by the tradition while making out mango pickles every year or not. The answer is that “certainly we follow” , we have no exception lest the year long pickles get spoiled in no time. If this be the case, in case we accept the traditions just for making pickles, why not for others ? I do not advocate blind following for anything, our action should be supported by experience and logical reasoning which should not end in a dilemma forever. In other words, certain conclusions are necessary as time will not wait for our decisions.

It is really my fortune to refer to 89 sloka which is suggested for solving incurable ailments. Incidentally I am not in a position to mention all the slokaas here nor could I able to reproduce the diagrams, but I assure you that I shall stand by you and render my services to the best of my ability without any reward or remuneration, in case readers have specific problems or suggestions. My appeal is only that WE HAVE EXCELLENT TREASURES. Let us enjoy them to the extent we can.

Well, when I say all this I have further justification. Almighty has given us all comforts and blessed each one of us without any differentiation. He has given us excellent grinders – well built tooth which lasts for lifetime, so also eyes and other organs. Sometimes, we abuse the VARADAAN of Lord by excessively utilizing the tools like, go on chewing pan masaala etc and reduce the life granted to the tools.

Quote: Education is the leading of human souls to what is said to be the best and making what is best out of them.

I was mentioning about SAMMOHAN VIDYA, it is nothing but self hypnotism. To attain the vidya, we have to have devotion and develop such will power. PLEASE REMEMBER IT IS NOTHING BUT UPBRINGING OF HIDDEN ENERGY WITHIN US.

I shall be back again soon………….

Vedanta Visarada
Dr P V Sesha Sai, B.L., Dip UNIU., AMIMA.,
1-9-317/3, MCH No 770, Road No 8, Vidyanagar,
HYDERABAD 500044 Phone 040-7661613 & 6581368

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