Friday, December 14, 2007


Suryakshetra (68)

What this little man speaks……………………………..

DIABETES: Probably you may remember the article which I have written on the same subject a few months ago while transmitting the mysterious medical secrets round the globe. In the series I have given some very valuable information on Arthritis, High Blood pressure etc and other topics relating to MIND BODY theory are under research and very shortly they are kept in front of you. It is a costly and time consuming research and yet we are paying adequate attention to the subject with a view to give you lot of information.

AROGYAM MOOLAM UTTAMAM: In life health is the best treasure and you must accept it. One should have confidence that the ailment is not incurable and it is CERTAINLY CURABLE. It is essential that this ailment has to be cured at the initial stages itself otherwise the heart, kidneys, liver brain and eyes remain in danger. The most reliable test for this is the blood test; in two stages one before eating and the other after eating. Urine test is also as important as that of blood test. Towards the remedial measures one should have control on food habits. Pulses are said to be the healthiest food for diabetic patient. Green leafy vegetables are a must in the diet. Over weight patients should avoid starchy food and eat less of butter and ghee. They should shun potatoes, sweet potato and other tubers. In the allopathic system of medicine insulin injections are prescribed. Insulin sure enough lowers the sugar level but it does not cure the problem. Ayurvedic medicines like aarogyavardhini vati, chandraprabha vati, vasantkusumakar ras, juice of neem leaves and bitter gourd can root out this problem. It is necessary that these medicines are to be taken under the guidance of an expert doctor. Fruit of Jamun, fenugreek seeds are also very beneficial in diabetes. A diabetic should go for walk daily in the morning and evening. A balanced diet is a must. According to me one should have a perfect mind body system and this is one wonderful channel by virtue of which the body listens to the command given by mind (as that of hypnotic treatment) and corrections are taken place in the body.

According to experienced doctors the following remedial actions are suggested:

Thee grams of jamun leaves and crushing them fine, eat with water and continue this for ten
rest of the text not available HARA HARA MAHADEVA DR P V SESHA SAI

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