Friday, December 14, 2007

Suryakshetra 70

Dr P V Sesha Sai
1-9-52/F/3 MCH No 2859
Road No 19, Ramnagar, HYDERABAD 500020
Phones 040 7661613 55581368 Cell: 9440422613
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15th November 2003


It is long since I have entered into this paper which is being released for the benefit of the readers since 1990. Even otherwise program and the related research work is continuously being released through different mails from time to time.

I found three kinds of people --- 1) those who do not know what is happening
2) those who watch what is happening
3) those who make things happen

It is certainly better, you will invariably agree that it is better to posses the ability to make things happen.

Similarly EFFECTIVE means doing right things and EEIFICIENT means doing things right.

Back to the subject, I found several people particularly those who have come out of service after working for a few decades, idling their time. Time is a valuable resource in our hand. A second lost can never be regained. Once lost it is once for all Lost. Since it is provided to us by Lord - the creator, free of cost, perhaps we fail to recognize the value of it. These days youngsters waste their time on unproductive matters of revenue nature. When I say REVENUE NATURE , I mean that it may bring momentary happiness or reward.
I also do not ignore to talk of CAPITAL NATURE . Capital account is one which is created for rewards on an on-going basis for ever. One should be able to turn the valuable resource - time- into CAPITAL ACCOUNT so that it starts paying dividends continuously. I observe from the history of those who are successful in life, that they struggle hard to RESPECT TIME LORD. They maintain time sense; they are disciplined in respect of time; they are punctual. THEY KNOW - WHAT TO DO, WHEN TO DO, AND HOW TO DO. But for any untoward incident beyond human knowledge, they are mostly successful.
I only request all the youngsters not to waste time on unwanted and unproductive things. Some times we may not be able to judge what is productive and what is not. In such cases, it is essential that we should consult a close friend or relative or parents etc to take their advise. Mere acting on the advise is not sufficient; one should be able to judge the accuracy and reason behind it of the advise so received. In other words the person who has given his advise should not be blamed for any reason whatsoever. It should be well remembered that the advise received from the outside agency is only a supplement to our thinking and judging of the other side of the coin, if any.
Every retired person also should involve in Society building activity in the interest of next generation. He is backed by his professional excellency, knowledge and understanding ability - which are most valuable assets to the society. They are built up over a period of time, a length of time- hence they are mostly wanted. It is essential that ONE SHOULD TAKE PAIN TO REDUCE PAIN.

Most of you know Kind hearts are gardens
Kind thoughts are roots
Kind words are flowers
Kind deeds are fruits

This is the TIME for all of us to enjoy the fruits of TIME through our deeds of TODAY. And tomorrow-who knows ?

TRAINING is to produce a change or creating a condition to change. I shall be back again soon…………
Wishing you all the best DR P V SESHA SAI

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