Friday, December 14, 2007


What this little man speaks……………………………………………

Quote : Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.

UPANISHADS: Teitireeya Upanishad may help us to gain knowledge of life. It has three chapters. The first chapter is called Shiksha Adhyaay valli and this has 12 parts. A discip0le or shishya means one who gains knowledge and uses it in his life. In the Vedic age the child would go to the Master-Duru and gain knowledge from him. All the ancient texts of Indian culture are stressing the need to have the knowledge from the master in direct relation. In other word the disciple should look at the Guru and gain knowledge by listening and keeping his life organs active.

Presenting the sixth part of the Upanishad which starts with “sa ya…….” The meaning of this says that the in the heart of a human lives the SUPREME. The supreme is the divine and elixir like. The epiglottis can be the basis of linking oneself to the soul. The basis of human life is the journey from MOOLADHAAR TO to the SAHASTRAR. When a person is born it is due to the energy stored in the Mooladhar. At the time of birth only Mooladhar is active. When a person dies the Kundalini rises from Mooladhar to sahastrar and the soul thus leaves the body . At the time of cremation the skull of the corpse is shattered(kappal kriya) signifying that the soul has left the body through the sahastrar. When a person becomes free of life and his body dissolves and gets fused into the four basic elements like bhu, bhuvah, swah and mah. The body is made of these very elements and after death they separate and attain individual identity. Bhu means the fire in the body and it gets fused with the fire in the universe. Bhuvah means that the air element in the body fuses the air around. Swah means that energy of the body fuse in the energy (sun) in the universe. Mah means that the personality of the person fuses with the Brahm(divine). Knowledge of these four elements lead to SELF REALISATION.

In other words this speaks of the highest philosophy that NOTHING IS OURS AND NOTHING IS PERMANENT. I hope all of you accept this. When so, why the VIKAARAAS?

I shall try to present the Shiksha Adhyaas Valli in the forthcoming issue.

Quote: Life will always be to a large extent what we ourselves make it.

Some interesting tips: I am interested to come back once again to the material world and give an option to make matters successful. PAARAD GANAPATHI – perhaps you may be knowing that the paarad is nothing but MERCURY. The ancient text RAS RATNA SAMUCHCHAYA states- siddhrase karishye nirdraaridra yamaggadam jagat. In other words if mercury is consecrated and converted into paarad then with its help all ailments and poverty of the world can be banished. The same text further states that no herb or mineral is capable of keeping the body always free from diseases. The reason is that all elements can become wet and only mercury can not. Through special process mercury is made solid. You may be knowing that collecting mercury into hands is next to impossibility. It becomes elixir when it is made solid. Thus certain impossible matters can be made possible through this sadhana and Parad Ganapathi is one such which makes us feel better materially and spiritually.

This excellent subject with the resultant outcome basing on personal experience is being presented gradually from now on. A few Parad Ganapathi pieces are available with the blessings of His Holiness Guruji and I desire to send them if requested for.


I shall be back again soon………………..
Vedanta Visarada Dr P V sesha Sai Phones 040 7661613 6581368 and cell 98483 32978
1-9-317/3 MCH No 770, Road No 8, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad 500044

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